Among the components of TOPVEN there is BIRCHW that has beneficial properties for actions diaforeticaW, purifyingW ed inflammatoryW. It promotes the disappearance of nodulesW fibroconnettivali. Among the chemical constituents of the birch can holder / identify iperosideW e quercetinW.

Birch is a dietary supplement that can facilitate the removal of lymphatic stagnation and cellulite. It has many properties, It is mainly used for water retention, as drained and diuretic, but is also famous its depurative.

This plant contains flavonoids, essential oils, C vitamin, high concentrations of potassium salts and acid botulinus, an active substance contained mainly in the cortex, which it has been shown in the laboratory antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. We do not recommend Birch use in pregnancy or lactation to avoid allergic reactions in children. And 'appropriate medical advice if you are taking anticoagulant drugs, barbiturates, hypotensive.


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